Figured I should probably post the song as well...just to make things easier on you. (See previous post to get the context/background story on this song. Listen for the angel!)
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Posted by Claire Aufhammer at 6:24 PM 0 comments
God is awesome.
Posted by Claire Aufhammer at 4:46 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Posted by Claire Aufhammer at 10:06 PM 0 comments
We have made it back to Arusha safely from our week-long safari in the
Bush! What a week it was! My experience there this time around was
quite different from before. When we visited last year, the valley was
in a horrible drought. Most, if not all, of the men were miles away in
search of land for their cattle to graze. The land was just devastated
because there was so little water. I remember praying while we were
out there that God would heal the land and restore the life and hope
of the people living there. And sure enough, those prayers were
answered! As we drove into the valley, I could literally see the
difference! My heart leaped when I saw green field after green field
full of growing corn. Not only that, but we actually saw cows (healthy
ones at that) and men around the village! Although they lost about 90%
of their cattle, things are looking up this year! (The picture above shows
Here are a few of the highlights I had this past week:
1. Filling in the gaping holes in the floor of the village schoolhouse
with cement. (I never knew how difficult mixing cement was!) Learning
how to do that was a rather difficult task, but the results were so
worth it!
2. Revisiting the valley and seeing such wonderful change in the land.
3. Roasting a goat. Believe it or not, I stood and watched the entire
process. Our Maasai friend and goat roasting extraordinaire Isaiah
brought a goat to our camp on Friday night, and we all stood by and
watched as he and his sons killed, skinned, cut up, and roasted the
goat. In terms of a cultural experience, it was a good one! It was
pretty funny watching Isaiah and his sons' reactions to our screaming
and squirming. It really highlighted the disparity and differences
between our cultures: we have no idea how to skin and roast a goat,
and many of them have no idea how to open a car door. In terms of
cuisine, however, goat is not my meat of choice. I did try it, but I
happened to get sick later that night (not from the goat, probably
just from dehydration) and unfortunately, I will forever associate
goat meat with feeling ill. (Although, I suppose that's not too
unfortunate a aituation as it's a much better deal for the goats!)
4. Interacting with the Maasai. Due to the fact that we were camping
out there for a longer period of time, we had the ability to interact
with more of the people fom the village. The guy I mentioned before,
Isaiah, was a huge hit among our group! He didn't speak a lick of
English but absolutely loved sitting with us and at least attempting
to communicate. He had a great sense of humor and loved taking "gifts"
from our group. Pretty sure he got a pair of sunglasses and some
family pictures out of us by the time we left. Despite that, I have
him to thank for my spiffy Maasai walking stick and for teaching me
how to count from 1-10 in Maasai! Oh, what a character! There's so
much more to say about him that is simply too difficult to relay in an
email. Ask me about him sometime!
5. Talking with Pastor James Kukan. Pastor James is actually the
contact Wild Hope has with that village, and his vision for that
valley and the Maasai people as a whole are the reason Wild Hope takes
teams out there! He was one of my highlights from my trip last year,
so I was really looking forward to seeing him again. He has such a
huge heart for his people - not just in his village, but in Maasai
land in general! I love listening to him share his heart because it
reminds me that God is already at work in the remotest places of the
world! Sometimes I catch myself thinking that we as Western Christians
have all the answers and all the solutions. But when I meet people
like Pastor James I'm reminded that we aren't the solution, and we
don't have all the answers. God is raising up people, natives of their
own countries, to lead and have incredibly powerful ministries! I just
love that we're able to come alongside Pastor James to encourage and
support his extensive and blossoming ministry!
I'm really excited about what God is doing in the hearts of our team
members - our prayers for unity are being answered! Pray for strength
an endurance in these next few days. The final leg of our trip
(working at the Missionaries of Charity home started by Mother Teresa)
is both exciting and hard, especially emotionally. Plus, we're all
still pretty tired from our safari. Also pray for continued health.
We've stayed pretty healthy on the whole, but have had a few upset
stomachs, which are less than desirable.
Thanks so much for your support and prayers!
Posted by Claire Aufhammer at 10:05 PM 0 comments
Our time here in Arusha is coming to a close. On Monday, we leave to
head out to the more rural area of Tanzania known as the Bush. We'll
be camping in a Maasai village for about a week and have the chance to
interact with the Maasai children and learn from them about their
daily life and their culture's traditions.
While I am very excited to move on to the next aspect of our trip, I
am really sad to be leaving the Nyota soccer club. The kids and the
leaders of this program are just the coolest! At lunch yesterday, I
had the chance to listen to one of Nyota's founders named Agu talk
about the mission behind Nyota. Oh man, his heart is as big as the sky
here! Though he was brought up and still lives in the very poor
neighborhood of Unga, he has a deep desire to see young boys' lives
transformed. It was so special to be able to listen to him talk about
the ways that he disciples these kids and has even been leading some
to the Lord -- not to mention how well he cares for them, even while
he himself doesn't have much. After he shared with us, I asked him how
we could pray for him, and in true Agu style he asked for us to pray
for his family but only after we pray for the Nyota kids.
One of my other highlights thus far has been the visit to the African
church we took today! I didn't really know what to expect, and I still
don't really know how to describe it! All I can say is that Africans
really know how to do church! They just dance and groove the whole
time in worship -- it's fun to watch and absolutely beautiful to
listen to! Their singing was simply angelic as the sound of everyone's
voices floated high up to the peaked ceilings. Oh, it's indescribable
really! I can honestly say that I encountered the presence of God this
What especially struck me about visiting the church today (and
visiting Africa in general) was how welcoming everyone was. They have
a special time in the service for visitors to stand up and be greeted,
and they even let visitors leave the sanctuary first when church is
over to be greeted by some of the church staff. As we were ushered
outside to meet some of the staff, we were led into a little room
where they had a short presentation about the church and mostly just
reinforced the fact that they wanted us to feel welcome. It was so
cool! All this hospitality has really got me thinking about our
customs in America. While I haven't exactly visited many churches in
my life, I still don't think I knownof many churches who make visitors
feel so, so welcome! I hope people in other countries don't visit and
think we're inhospitable because the people here really hammer
hospitality into visitors heads. "Karibu" is the Swahili word for
"welcome", it's gloriously overused! You visit a restaurant, and your
waiter will say that. You enter someone's home and they'll say
that...probably 10 times before you leave. Haha! It's great!
Another one of my highlights thus far was the little friendship I
formed with darling Fatma. (Pictured above.) She's one of the few girls who was invited
to the lessons on relationships that we presented to Nyota -- and I'm
convinced she was chosen for her brilliance and her leadership skills.
She's 15 years old and speaks nearly fluent English and has a love for
all things science. As I talked with her about her life, it was neat
to hear about her dreams of getting a job as an engineer and helping
support her family. But then my heart began breaking when she told me
that her father died two years ago, and that her mother doesn't have
enough money to support her. All that's to say that she probably won't
go to college or get a job that allows her to put her brilliant mind
to work, which is pretty horrifying. Plain and simple. Honestly, I've
realized that there comes a point where a sort of indignation replaces
any "romantic" feelings one may have had towards poverty previously.
While it is "heart-wrenching" and "sad" (adjectives I used just
earlier in this email), poverty goes far beyond that. It's real. It's
oppressive. It's horrifiying.
This all really hit home in my mind when Fatma invited me to come to
her house and meet her mom. I didn't really know what to expect in
terms of their living conditions. I mean, Fatma was pretty well-
dressed and spoke English very well, so it couldn't be that bad,
right? Wrong. She and her mom live in a room in a building along a rundown alleyway,
clothes are in bags. They share a bathroom of sorts with the rest of
the people who live in that alleyway. And the room can't be more than
15 feet by 15 feet. Yet, they're so proud of their home and so, so
welcoming! Fatma's mother Zaynab definitely said "karibu" 12 times or
something! My experience with the two of them will be hard to forget.
Things to pray for:
1. The boys and the families of the boys who play for Nyota
2. Provision for Agu and his family
3. Provision for Fatuma and her mom -perhaps a way for her to continue
on in her schooling
4. Continued team unity
5. That we would be sensitive to seeking/grasping/understanding the
life-changing lessons God wants to teach us here.
Thank you for your prayers! We need them!
Grace and peace be with you.
Posted by Claire Aufhammer at 10:02 PM 0 comments
Just sending you all a little update about things from the other side
of the world!
My team and I have made it safely to Arusha, Tanzania! Our journey
here was certainly a lengthy one. We departed from LA on Sunday, May
30 and flew to Zurich, Switzerland for a layover. Our 17-hour layover
in Zurich, however, was much, much more enjoyable than the fiasco of a
layover we had in Dakar, Senegal last year. We got to spend a bit of
time exploring the city, which is absolutely beautiful - I'm
definitely planning to go back there someday! From Zurich, we flew
down to Nairobi, Kenya where we stayed for a night in a little retreat
center run by a group of Franciscan nuns. They are some of the
sweetest women I have ever met! Not to mention that they make the best
milk tea in the entire world! After a night at the retreat center, we
got on a shuttle that took us on a long (and quite bumpy) 6-hour
journey from Nairobi to Arusha. Last night, we finally made it to
Arusha after about 30 hours of travel. While part of the fun is the
journey, I'm certainly glad to be staying in one place for a few days!
All that's to say that today was our first "real" day, in a sense. We
spent the majority of it in one of the slum neighborhoods of Arusha
called Unga, which has apparently been nicknamed "the den of thieves".
Nyota Football Academy, one of the ministries Wild Hope (the non-
profit organization we're partnering with) sponsors and works with, is
in Unga. This small soccer club is run by two Tanzanian brothers who
have a heart for helping the young people of their city. (Agu, one of the
whom they invite into their soccer club and begin investing in. It's
awesome! Not only are young kids learning soccer and staying off the
streets, but they're also learning life skills and improving their
English. I was so excited to come back and work with Nyota again! We
connected so well with them last year, and I was looking forward to
interacting with them again.
Part of the work we'll be doing with Nyota is life skill training. We
as a team are presenting a lesson/module on relationships during our
time here. And today, we began our first part of that. I think we were
all a but nervous about beginning these lessons because of the
difficulty of translating our pints across cultural and language
barriers. But, fortunately, our first lesson went really well and was
very well received!
One of my highlights so far has to be simply coming back to the same
places we visited last year and reuniting with the friends we made
last year! It's been fun (and surprising) to find that lots of people
remember us! It's so cool! I can't explain how special it is to be
able to return to and revisit a place that had such a profound impact
on my life.
I hope to be able to send you more updates soon, but in the meantime,
I'd love for you to lift up the following things in prayer:
1. Team unity
2. Clarity in communication for the relationship modules with Nyota
3. Life-changing growth in the hearts of the students on our team
Thank you so much for your support! I'm looking forward to the great
things God still has in store for us!
Grace & peace.
Posted by Claire Aufhammer at 9:57 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 17, 2010
oh, my.
Posted by Claire Aufhammer at 9:07 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
I've been waiting for quite some time to write this post. I do possess quite a sense of urgency regarding the topic upon whose waters I am about to navigate, despite its delay in reaching your computer screen. Just know that its postponement has no correlation with the level of importance it has recently begun to occupy in my mind.
First, allow me to preface my discourse.
As I reflect upon the very recent closure of my freshman year of college, I can’t help but remember the way it began, and how far I’ve come since then. In August of 2009, I returned from a month-long excursion on the great continent of Africa. If you’ve been following my writing for a while, you may recall the extensive impact that journey had on my life. My return to the United States was a rather tumultuous one. Though I refused to have the “typical Africa experience” and attempted to steer clear of having to admit to experiencing culture shock, it inevitably took place.
In a matter of two weeks, I was forced to not only adjust to life back in America but also say goodbye to everything I’ve ever known and move across the country to the complete unknown. It was a struggle, to say the very least. I sank into loneliness, and I began questioning my purpose. My daily life, which consisted of writing papers and reading a bunch of books written by men who died centuries ago, seemed so mundane and meaningless. I felt like those things had little relevance and made no contribution to eternity. All I wanted to do was go back to Africa, where I felt like I had found meaning and purpose.
However, as the months went on, I learned a great deal and found that purpose was slowly being infused back into my life.
Enter the concept of evangelism.
In my mind, evangelism has always been secondary, or better: controversial. I didn’t really know what it looked like because I’d never really seen it practiced. It seemed like some icky thing that really prideful Christians did to “force their beliefs down others’ throats”.
In my mind, evangelists were the people who walked around at the Rose Parade with signs screaming, “Turn or burn!” to the innocent bystanders trying to enjoy the New Years’ festivities. (“Fire and brimstone” approach? Not very effective, just saying.)
In my mind, if evangelism looked like that, I didn’t want to be a part of it.
In my mind, evangelism was sharing the Gospel through my actions. I considered mission work helping people out of the unjust oppression of poverty, equipping people with practical skills to enable them to become more competent members of society, restoring hope, bringing love, and the like.
And while being a doer of the Word certainly has a place in our faith—after all, God tells the Israelites in Isaiah:
“Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the straps of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke? Is it not to share your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into your house, when you see the naked, to cover him, and not to hide yourself from your own flesh?” (Isaiah 58:6-7)
and James urges believers to
“be doers of the word, and not hearers only” (James 1:22)—
our doing the Word does not mean we are exempt from a duty to also be preachers of the Word.
For far too long I shrunk back in fear, preferring the “preach the Gospel, use words if necessary” approach mostly because it meant that I never had to get out of my comfort zone and tell people about Jesus (that of course, would be much too risky!). For me, this approach was a “cop-out”. I was too concerned with how I would be perceived and with offending people who may already be disgusted with the church.
But if I say that I want people to have what I have, why am I not shouting it from the rooftops? Because it’s inconvenient? Because that would be shoving it down people’s throats? Because it might hurt their feelings? Because it might put my reputation at risk?
Our Savior calls us to preach the Word. How can I ignore his call? The last command he gives the disciples,
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” (Matthew 28:19-20)
ought to be reason enough to share the Gospel.
In 1 Corinthians 9:16, Paul even says, “Woe to me if I do not preach the Gospel!” Conversely, Isaiah 52:7 says, “Blessed are the feet of him who brings good news!” Oh, how much more I prefer blessing than woe!
People are the currency of heaven. The lives touched by the way I live will be the proof I present for my faith at heaven’s gates.
In coming to face all of this, I have had my own value system completely upset. And I’ve learned a thing or two in the process. So to the ones in doubt—a group of which I was a part for far too long—I would like to share with you what I’ve learned along the way.
1. Jesus is what this world needs.
Jean Danielou said, “The world today does not need greater social organization but a Savior: man today needs someone who will answer the fundamental problems of his existence, which no social structure has ever been able to answer.”
While mission work does need to address people’s physical needs, it must address the soul’s needs. Lives are not transformed unless bodies and souls are restored. I am not a missionary if my work looks like the humanitarian efforts of the secular society around me. As a Christian, I must be doing it differently; I must be sharing the Gospel!
And because Jesus is what the world needs, I can’t believe the lie that people don’t want to hear this good news. This is what all creation is groaning for (see Romans 8). Assuming that people don’t want to hear what I have to share with them is silly—especially given that my friends and I saw people on our very own Christian university’s campus come to know Jesus! The proof makes it an undeniable necessity.
2. It’s not about me.
One fear I had before this realization was the fear of rejection. But I’ve learned that when people reject my words, they’re not rejecting me, they’re rejecting the Gospel: “The one who hears you hears me, and the one who rejects you rejects me, and the one who rejects me rejects him who sent me” (Luke 10:16).
Ultimately, when I choose to shrink back, when I don’t step out in faith, when I don’t share the Gospel, I’m denying God the opportunity to work through me, and I’m denying someone a chance at salvation and eternal life.
Something is terribly wrong when I begin putting my own personal comfort above God’s purposes for the world.
3. Salvation is a process.
I’m merely a cog in the machine. I’m simply sowing seeds to be reaped later.
Not everyone accepts the Gospel the first time they hear it. When I share with someone and they choose to make Jesus the Lord of their life, it’s highly possible that ten people have shared with them before me. Other times, I may be the very first one to share with them and because it’s so new, they may choose not to accept it. Nevertheless, I need to remain faithful and obedient, realizing that I my efforts are a relevant part of the process.
4. It’s fun!
Share with people their one and only opportunity for a chance at eternal life? What better thing could I ever want to do? Seeing people come to Jesus is a blast! Call me crazy. Call me foolish. I don’t care. My God uses “what is foolish in the world to shame the wise…what is weak in the world to shame the strong…what is low and despised in the world…to bring to nothing things that are” (1 Corinthians 1:27-28). I can’t believe Jesus chooses to use me and you in this process of redeeming creation!
So back to the main point…
Understanding all of this has not only revolutionized my perception of mission work, but also my feeling about my purpose at this time in my life. Though I may not be able to go to the nations, there is a nation at my fingertips thirsty for good news! There are practical things I can do everyday to contribute to eternity!
So go. Go share the Gospel. Make it a part of your daily life: at the gas station, with your waiter at a restaurant, with the man on the corner, with your professor. Ask people how you can pray for them. Ask people if they know Jesus. Share your testimony. No one can take your story from you. Besides, Revelation 12:11 says that we will overcome by “the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony”! Your testimony is powerful!
Try it once this week. I promise that any “pain” you experience is incomparable to the potential pain in hell the other person’s soul will be spared in heaven!
What post is complete without some song lyrics?
So it’s with everything I am, I reach out for your hand
The hope that changed the second chance I’ve gained
On you I throw my life, casting all my fears aside
How could greater love than this ever possibly exist?
So I wait upon you now with my hands released to you
Where a little faith’s enough to see mountains lift and move
And I wait upon you now dedicated to your will
To this love that will remain a love that never fails
“Second Chance” (Hillsong United)
Posted by Claire Aufhammer at 10:42 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
how he loves.
Posted by Claire Aufhammer at 12:06 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 3, 2010
Posted by Claire Aufhammer at 12:20 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Posted by Claire Aufhammer at 7:28 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 15, 2010
Posted by Claire Aufhammer at 2:26 PM 2 comments
Saturday, March 13, 2010
when heaven meets earth.
Posted by Claire Aufhammer at 9:11 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Please purchase the song "Above Every Other Name" by Justin Rizzo.
Posted by Claire Aufhammer at 9:47 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 27, 2010
with everything.
Posted by Claire Aufhammer at 7:25 PM 0 comments
Saturday, February 6, 2010
consolation of philosophy.
You who control all the world everlastingly by your own reason,
Sowing the seeds of the earth and the heavens, commanding the eons
To roll from eternity; resting unmoved, you put all things in motion,
You whom no alien causes demanded to fashion creation
From mutable matter, but only the unstinting essence of true good things,
All of them, out and, most splendid yourself, in your own mind you carry
This splendid world and you shape it to mirror your image and likeness,
And you command that its perfect components accomplish perfection.
You bind in number and ratio the elements, ice and flame matching,
Dry matching moist, so there is no flight up for the rarified fire,
Earth is not dragged by its weight to sink down to the depths of the waters.
You center Soul: It unites threefold Nature, sets all things in motion;
You divide Soul and apportion it into harmonious members;
Soul, once divided, collected its motion in two equal orbits,
Moving so as to return to itself, and completely encircling
Mind at the core, so the universe wheels in its image and likeness.
You by like causes bring forth lesser souls; for these lesser creations
You fashion nimble conveyances for a heavenly journey.
You plants these souls in the heavens, in earth; by your generous statutes
You make them turn back toward you and return—a regression of fire.
Grant to the mind, Father, that it may rise to your holy foundations;
Grant it may ring round the source of the Good, may discover the true light,
And fix the soul’s vision firmly on you, vision keen and clear-sighted.
Scatter these shadows, dissolve the dead weight of this earthyl concretion,
Shine in the splendor that is yours alone: only you are the bright sky,
You are serenity, peace for the holy; their goals is to see you;
You are their source, their conveyance, their leader, their path, and their haven.
-Boethius' Consolation of Philosophy-
Posted by Claire Aufhammer at 11:16 AM 2 comments
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Posted by Claire Aufhammer at 9:56 PM 1 comments
Sunday, January 24, 2010
I'll confess: I don't feel that I have had the proper response to the disaster in Haiti. I find myself praying that God would break my heart for what breaks His own, and yet, I have been pretty insensitive to this whole disaster. I haven't done anything to help.
Posted by Claire Aufhammer at 8:42 PM 1 comments
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Posted by Claire Aufhammer at 11:58 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Posted by Claire Aufhammer at 7:30 PM 1 comments